Research Links
Online and email sources for new grant information
Looking for potential sources of grant money for your project? Here are some online and email sources that can help keep you updated on new grant opportunities.
Government Sources for Funding
PIVOT is an on-line subscription that locates funding opportunities from federal and non-federal sources. Once faculty and staff have registered in PIVOT they receive weekly notices of opportunities. Faculty can also do keyword searches to find opportunities that match their specific area.
This website currently features nearly 900 available grant programs involving all 26 federal grant-making agencies that together award more than $350 billion annually in grant funds.The site simplifies the application process by allowing applicants to download, complete and submit applications for specific grant opportunities from any federal grant-making agency.
[Please be aware that R&ED has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to Grants.Gov. Because the website requires all proposals to come from Tech's Authorized Contractual Authority, you must contact the Research Services Office ( judith.mcshannon@landaiztc.com ) to submit proposals via Grants.gov.]
Environmental Protection Agency: National Center for Environmental Research
NCER periodically sends out emails to subscribers announcing new grant and/orfunding opportunities or highlighting new documents in specific subject areas.
U.S. Department of Education: EdInfo
This free information service delivers 2-3 messages per week from the U.S. Department of Education to your e-mail account. Each message features one report or initiative (or other information) from the U.S. Department of Education.
The DOE's IIPS website provides a listing of financial assistance opportunities; be aware, though, that it can be difficult to sort through.
[Please be aware that R&ED has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to the DOE. Because the website requires all proposals to come from Tech's Authorized Contractual Authority, you must contact the Research Services Office ( judith.mcshannon@landaiztc.com ) to submit proposals to the DOE.]
National Institutes of Health: NIH Guide
Each week the NIH transmits via LISTSERV email the Table of Contents (TOC) information for that week's issue of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. Associated with each TOC entry is the WWW address (URL) for each Guide article.
National Science Foundation: MyNSF
An alert service on NSF grant opportunities, publications and news that you customize to your own needs.
[Please be aware that R&ED has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to the NSF{PDF}. Because the website requires all proposals to come from Tech's Authorized Contractual Authority, you must contact the Research Services Office ( judith.mcshannon@landaiztc.com ) to submit proposals to the NSF.]
Grantwriting and Non-Profit Fundraising websites
Sign up for a variety of free newsletters with information on grants and other funding opportunities from private foundations.